A 35-year-old woman involved in managing a sex business and five other individuals, all of Chinese nationality, have been arrested on suspicion of submitting false marriage and birth registrations. – Adult News Japan

Adult News Japan

A 35-year-old woman involved in managing a sex business and five other individuals, all of Chinese nationality, have been arrested on suspicion of submitting false marriage and birth registrations.


Six individuals of Chinese nationality have been arrested on suspicion of submitting false marriage and birth registrations. Among the arrested are Xu Haili (35), a sex business operator living in Matsusaka City, Mie Prefecture, and Wang Huajie (60), an unemployed individual, along with four others.

According to police, in October 2022, Xu and others submitted a marriage registration with a 67-year-old Japanese man to obtain residency status for Wang, despite having no intention of marriage. Additionally, in November 2021, they are suspected of submitting a false birth registration to acquire Japanese nationality for the child of Xu’s sister.

While the police have not disclosed whether the six have admitted to the charges, they are investigating how the individuals became acquainted and whether any compensation was involved.

風俗店経営の女(35)ら中国国籍の男女計6人を逮捕 虚偽の婚姻届や出生届を提出した疑い | 東海地方のニュース【CBC news】 | CBC web
虚偽の婚姻届や出生届を提出した疑いで、中国国籍の男女らあわせて6人が逮捕されました。逮捕されたのはともに中国国籍で、三重県松阪市に住む風俗店経営、徐海麗(ジョ カイレイ)容疑者(35)と、無職の王会杰(オ…