Name : Erika Momotani (29)
T165 B84(C) W56 H82
🌸Agency which she belongs to: Club Toranoana Aoyama
[Comment from Escort Agency]
Erika Momotani,” who is still loved by many AV fans for her explosive popularity and recognition after her AV debut in 2014, has joined our store! Her popularity is proven by the fact that she is still ranked number one by a certain manufacturer. Her looks, style, and of course, her personality are amazing. She is a girl who needs no other explanation. A goddess clad in pure white. She is as delicate as glasswork and transparent to the tips of her toes. I could write about her all day long. As long as she continues to work … you can tell even before her first day at work that she will continue to hold the torano-ana signboard together with the other diamonds. Her future at Toranoana is immeasurable.
[Comment from Escort Girl]
QWhat type of man do you like?
A. A gentleman.
QWhat is your favorite brand?
AI’m not particular.
QWhat is your favorite part of your body? (Charm point)
A Legs
QWhat’s your favorite thing to play?
Outcall Escort
Hours of operation: 10:00 – 7:00
Dispatch area: Shibuya (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
Phone number: 03-4221-0100